November 27, 2014

Thankful for the little things

Today is Thanksgiving and yes, I’m stressing.  But what has me pulling my hair and chewing nails to the nubs isn’t the green bean casserole or burning the marshmallow yams again. It’s the writing life, the part of me connected to my laptop via flying fingers and headache storms.

Will I learn to promote correctly? Why doesn’t my marketing EVER work? Can I finish this manuscript before our mortgage is paid in full?

Bottles of ginkgo biloba later, and I’m still running on the hamster wheel. The good news is when I look around the writing world—I’m not the only one.

Hey! I have company!

And then I read this post by Kristen Lamb and realized how far I’d fallen from the turkey trough. Like Kristen (the Queen of Ultimate Blogs),  we have kid(s) at home, a business to run, and shit to do…

And more things to be thankful for than could possibly be named in one blog.

Here are a few:

I’m thankful for the dirt and dog hair I sweep or vacuum on a daily basis.
Without these items of filth, I’d lead a very dull life indeed. I can’t imagine a day without barking, manure-crusted boot soles, and laughter coming through the door.

I’m thankful to be scrubbing my toilet.
Nearly 80 percent of the rest of the world (a figure I pulled out of the air) lives without indoor plumbing. My mother grew up in a home without running water or flush toilets. I wilderness camped for 3 days (with two little kids) and had my fill of digging holes.

A family-sized hole!

I’m thankful for gopher holes, dead leaves, and a lawn that’s gone to seed.
It only serves to remind me that I’m fortunate to live in a home with a yard surrounded by trees. (I can always set the sheep on the grass – they’ll mow and fertilize for me)

I’m thankful for my health, and the health of my family.
In the past seven months, I buried my dad and mom. They lived a full, vigorous life and taught me the importance of exercise and clean eating. Most importantly, I learned to take everything in moderation and deny myself nothing.

I’m thankful for dusty furniture, piles of laundry, and an empty bird feeder.
Since I began writing, daily chores took a backseat to outlines, character profiles, and endless plotting charts.  However, if the dresser were spit-shined, the laundry smelled mountain fresh, and wild birds nested in my eves, I wouldn’t have time to massage my creative side. 

I’d be frustrated and one of those wives.

Thank you to my family: for putting up with my wild hairs.
Thank you to my friends: while I wish I could spend more time, there’d never be enough time.
Thank you to my readers: I do it all for you.

Enjoy your time with family and friends. Remember to be thankful for the ants that invade your cupboards, the backed up sink, and the neighbor’s dog who leaves a present at the base of your mailbox every morning. 

Be thankful we live in a country rich with food and clean water, gridlock traffic, and six o’clock news.

Be thankful. I am.

Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. Great blog! Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

  2. Ah, I LOVE THIS!!!!! You nailed it!! Hope you and your family are having an amazing day! So thankful for you!!

  3. What an awesome post! Happy Thanksgiving, chick! <3 you! :)


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